│ Announcements │ This Week’s Share │ U-Pick │ Recipe │ Coming Soon │
Meat Sales Update
We have sold out of ground beef for the season. However, we still have a few specialty cuts on hand. We have New York Strip, Delmonico, and a couple pieces of Filet Mignon. These cuts are available for cash only and all cuts are under $10 per cut. In order to purchase, please inquire when picking up your share (for on farm only).
Volunteer Group Highlights
Hannon Armstrong
Elysian Energy
This Week’s Share:
Sweet Potatoes
Salad greens
Winter squash
Kale and collards
Bok choi and Tat soi
Peppers — green bells and sweet
Optional chili peppers, okra, poblanos
Hot (and not so hot) chili peppers
Basil (Genovese, Greek, Thai, Round Midnight, Lemon, and Tulsi)
Garlic chives
Lemon balm
Parsley (Last week for rows in G2 field)
Last week for Flowers (Zinnias, Gomphrena, Tithonia, and others)
1 large sweet potato peeled, and diced 1/4"
1/2 large red pepper diced 1/4"
1/2 large green pepper diced 1/4"
2 Tbsp diced shallots
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp dried parsley
dash cayenne pepper
3–4 Tbsp olive oil
Cooked in seven simple steps!
Heat 3 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet
Add potatoes, peppers, shallot and spices
Sauté 5 minutes, stirring halfway through
Cover skillet and sauté for 5 minutes, stirring 3 times (this will steam potatoes)
Remove cover and continue cooking for about 10 minutes until potatoes and peppers are soft (add more olive oil if needed)
Adjust seasonings if needed
Add cooked egg on top if desired
Coming Soon:
Salad greens are amazing, and you’ll have them until the end. The arugula and spicy mix have more heat these days, so consider a creamy, mellowing/sweet salad dressing.
Sweet potatoes should continue until the end of the season, and they are another great crop that last for quite a few months. Try to store them in a cool, dry place away from other vegetables and resist the urge to wash them. ( It’s nice to use up smaller ones first as they tend to dry out faster.)
Lettuce heads will start to appear in two weeks.
Heads of bok choi and tat soi at least one more week.
Daikon radishes and purple-top turnips.
Peppers, eggplant, chilies, and okra continue, albeit a little more slowly with these shorter days and cooler night
Fennel will be starting next week.
Smaller Chinese cabbage will be available in the next couple of weeks.
Cabbage leaves (our cabbage may not fully head up in time for the season, but fear not—we should be able to give out some cabbage leaves soon!
Thank you for Supporting our Farm!
Wednesdays, 3:00-7:00 P.M.
Saturdays, 1:00-4:00 P.M.
Wednesdays, 5:00-7:00 P.M.
Thursdays, 4:00-6:00 P.M.