Whichever greens make it home in your bag, they’re going to be spectacular! Photo by Fred Delventhal
│ Announcements │ This Week’s Share │ U-Pick │ Recipe │ Coming Soon │
Clagett Farm’s grassfed ground beef is very popular! We’ll sell out in the next week or two. Available for pickup at Clagett Farm only. Anyone can purchase (including people who aren’t CSA shareholders).
$45 for 5 pounds
We’re glad we’re not selling out of garlic, because that would mean we'd failed to meet your needs with the CSA. Perish the thought!
$8/pound for CSA shareholders
$12/pound for others
Reminder: Please wear a mask at the CSA pickup site. Thank you!
Congratulations Ann Jennings! Ann was just named by Governor Northam as Virginia’s Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources. We went to a lot of staff retreats with Ann over the years when she was the Executive Director of CBF’s Virginia offices, and trust us when we say Governor Northam could not have chosen better!
This Week’s Share:
A ripe butternut in repose with a seminole that hasn’t quite finished ripening to its full color. Photo by Carrie Vaughn
Butternut squash! (Note that your butternut will improve in flavor over the next few months as long as it doesn’t develop a soft spot, so don’t be afraid to leave it on your counter for a while.)
Bok choi
Salad greens: Tokyo bekana and arugula
Collards and kale
Hakurei turnips and French breakfast radishes
Peppers — green bells and ripe, sweet peppers
Optional chili peppers and okra
U-Pick is available all week for the crops on this list:
Cayenne chilies. Photo by Fred Delventhal
Hot (and not so hot) chili peppers.
Ground cherries
Basil (Genovese, Greek, Thai, Round Midnight, Lemon, and Tulsi)
Garlic chives
Lemon balm
Flowers (Zinnias, Gomphrena, Tithonia, and others)
Bok Choi
Bok choi benefits from simplicity. Most recipes do very little to mask its clean, bright, crunchy taste.
Bok choi, photo by Clay Dunn and Zach Patton.
This recipe for Stir-Fried Bok Choi with Chilies and Garlic gives lots of detail to create this simple, classic dish.
This recipe recommends roasting bok choi and then spooning a dressing and some sesame seeds over the top.
And finally, this one leaves the bok choi raw in a salad with crunchy bits of ramen. If you’re not keen to add white sugar to your salad, consider adding a sweet fruit (such as dried cranberries) instead.
Coming Soon:
Salad greens, kale, and collards are growing well and you’ll see quantities increase over the next few weeks.
Bok choi for another week, followed by heads of tat soi.
Watermelon radishes, probably weeks 21 and 22. Hakurei turnips through week 21, at least. We expect some daikon radishes for week 26.
Peppers, eggplant, and okra will continue for a while, but you’ll see a gradual decline in quantity.
Heads of garlic will continue until November, when we’ll switch to giving out loose cloves.
The sweet potato forecast continues to be for week 23.
Thank you for Supporting our Farm!
Wednesdays, 3:00-7:00 P.M.
Saturdays, 1:00-4:00 P.M.
Wednesdays, 5:00-7:00 P.M.
Thursdays, 4:00-6:00 P.M.